Blue Bus runs bus services on Russell Island and Macleay Island (Bay islands)

School Bus Services

School Bus Services

Blue Bus runs school bus services on Russell Island and Macleay Island (Bay Islands). 

School Bus Maps

Russell Island School Bus Runs

Russell Island School BusThe Russell Island Primary Run starts at 7:40am at the corner of Barcelona Terrace and Bayswater Road and heads around Wahine Dr and Hume St to Centre Rd. It then goes south with a detour to the end of Shore St then further south to the corner of Headland Cct and The Boulevarde. The bus then returns north along Centre Rd before turning down Stradbroke Dr as far as Yara St. It then continues north along Centre Rd to Kurrajong Rd. The bus does a loop around Channel St, Rossi Avenue and returns along Jackson Rd to drop off at Russell Island Primary School in Fern Tce. The bus then continues out along Canaipa Rd to near the end of Canaipa Pt before returning to Russell Island Primary school. The afternoon run does the morning run in reverse until Barcelona, where the run travels the route along the eastern side of the island then finishes on the western side at Gilcrest and Palm Beach Rds at approx. 3:40pm.

The Russell Island Secondary Run starts at 7:00am at the corner of Glendale and Centre Roads and heads north along Centre Rd. It detours out along Canaipa Rd to near the end of Canaipa Pt before terminating at the Russell Island Ferry terminal where the students catch the 7:30am ferry to the mainland at Redland Bay (Weinam Creek Ferry Terminal). The afternoon run meets the ferry at 3:55pm and does the island run in reverse (finishing at Glendale and Centre Rds at approx. 4:20pm).

Macleay Island School Bus Runs

Macleay Island School BusThe Macleay Island Primary Run starts at approx. 8:04am in Dalpura St and heads north along Coondooroopa Dr to Kate St and then heads south down to drop off at Macleay Island State school. The bus then meets the 8:33am ferry at the Macleay Island Ferry terminal and picks up students from other islands. The bus then transports them to Macleay Island State School. The afternoon run picks up the inter-island students at school and meets the ferry at 3:00pm and then does the island run in reverse finishing at approx. 3:20pm.

The Macleay Island Secondary Run starts at 7:10am at the intersection of Kate and Beelong Sts and heads south along Kate St and High Central Rd to Francis Rd. It turns down Gregory St to Scotts Rd then south along Brighton Rd to Macleay Island Ferry terminal where the students catch the 7:30am ferry to the mainland at Redland Bay (Weinam Creek Ferry Terminal). The afternoon run meets the ferry at 3:58pm and does the island run in reverse (finishing at Kate and Beelong Sts at approx. 4:20pm).

How to apply for a School Bus Pass on the Bay Islands

The School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS) provides assistance to enable eligible school students to attend education facilities. The following is a brief summary of the eligibility criteria as it generally applies to island residents. Full details of eligibility criteria and application forms can be found at

Eligibility for assistance is based on the principal place of residence of the parent/guardian applying for assistance. Assistance is available from only one address. To be eligible for assistance, students must make a minimum of two (2) trips per week.

If you are an island resident and your child is attending your nearest state primary school, your child may be eligible for free school bus travel if you live 3.2 km or more from the local school (years P-7). All secondary school students on the islands are eligible as the islands are more than 4.8km to the nearest state secondary school.

Online Application: You can apply online for both primary and high school bus services. Click here to apply:

Find out more at

If you are unable to complete an online application, you can obtain a Bus Travel Assistance Application form (brown) from the school bus driver. This must be filled out and returned to the driver as soon as possible so that your child can be issued with a bus pass.

Bus Safety-Net Scheme: If you live 3.2 km or less from the primary school and your primary aged child is listed on a concession card (i.e. Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card), you may be eligible for free bus travel, providing there is spare capacity on the bus. You can apply online (see links above) or ask for a Bus Travel Assistance Safety-Net Application form (purple) from the school bus driver. This must be filled out and returned to the driver along with a photocopy of the concession card showing the child’s name as soon as possible so that your child can be eligible for travel.

If you live 3.2 km or less from the school and you do not have a concession card but would like your child to catch the bus to school, you can pay a fare to the driver. Fares are $1.20 per child per trip.

Behaviour on the Bus.

All school students travelling on school buses need to abide by the Code of Conduct for School Bus Travel (QT). This outlines the rights and responsibilities and the behaviour expected of students whilst travelling on the school bus. The consequences of failing to meet the behaviour expectations outlined in the code are clearly stated. This means that your child may be refused travel on the bus for a period of time, if they are unable to meet those expectations. These consequences will be strictly enforced for the safety and enjoyment of all bus travellers.

Receiving your bus pass.

Once you have submitted your application (either paper or electronic), there may be some time before we receive notification of approval from Qld Transport. Once you have submitted your application to us, we allow your child to travel on the bus until we receive the approval from QT. Especially at the beginning of the year, when there are thousands of forms to be processed by QT, it can take some time for the approvals to come back to us, so we allow your child to travel once you have submitted your form. The driver will have a list to check those students who are pending approval. Once the approval is notified, we will then issue them with a bus pass that the driver will hand to the student.
If you have not completed an application or your child is not eligible for assisted travel, then your child is not able to travel on the bus unless they pay a fare.
Students are required to carry their bus pass with them at all times when they are travelling on the bus and to show it when entering the bus and if requested by the driver.

What to do if you lose your bus pass.

If your child loses their bus pass, you will need to apply for a new one. You can do this three ways:

  • Call the office on (07) 38207815 to explain what has happened and a new one will be issued when the next batch of passes is printed. Once you have notified us, your child will still be able to travel on the bus until they receive their new pass.
  • Personally inform the bus driver that your child has lost their pass and request a form to fill in a new paper application marking “Lost Bus Pass” at Section 2 on the front page as the reason for the application. Sign and date the form.
  • Write a letter for your child to hand in to the driver explaining what has happened and requesting a new pass. Clearly state the child’s name grade and school, the reason why the replacement pass is needed and sign and date the letter.

You can’t apply for a replacement bus pass online. We require written and/or verbal communication from the parent so that we know that parents are aware that their child has lost their pass. The first replacement of a lost pass is free. However, if the pass is being repeatedly lost, a charge of $10 to replace the pass will be levied.

Coronavirus and School Transport

The Queensland Government has provided the following guidelines for School Services:

Following the re-commencement of regular schooling, children attending school classes will be exempt from the requirements for social distancing.

While travelling to and from school on dedicated school transport services (which transport only school children), these services are not required to include any specific measures for social distancing.

Physical distancing requirements are exempt for public transport (including buses), however physical distancing guidelines should be followed at bus interchange locations, pick-ups and drop-offs and on other shared transport services.

Transport operators will ensure that buses and surface touch points are cleaned according to COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection recommendations.

Buses ranging from 29 to 57 seats available for charter